Mother Earth Bean

  • $5.00
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Mother Earth Beans are an ancient and productive pole bean intended for drying and winter storage. Provide them with something to climb and let pods dry on the plant until you can hear the beans rattling inside. These beans hold great spiritual significance to the Haudenosaunee people, as explained by Mohawk seedkeeper Rowen White:

"Our Mohawk name for these beans is: Iethinesthenha’ohontsia osahe:ta. In our Creation story, it is told that the original indigenous agricultural plants and seeds sprouted from the body of the daughter of Original Woman (Skywoman) when she passed in childbirth. This bean is said to be the original bean that sprouted from her hands. This bean has great significance to us as Haudenosaunee people because of its connection to our cosmo-geneology."

(Source, "Three Sisters" by Rowen White for Emergence Magazine, October 10th 2019, )

Grown organically with love and tenderness in the Bruce Peninsula, Ontario, Canada, in the summer of 2023. Germination tested. Minimum 30 beans.